RIO Premier Grand Fly Line SALE

Part Number: 6-192

Pale Green / Lt. Yellow

Premier RIO Grand Fly Fishing Line

The new Premier series RIO Grand fly line is designed for fast action fly rods and made with the newest and best fly line technology RIO has ever developed.  Made a full line size heavier, RIO Grand fly lines also have more weight distributed towards the front of the line to quickly load fly rods and help turn over bushier flies or things like nymph rigs.  RIO Premier Grand fly lines are one of the best choices on the market in fly lines for fast action fly rods.

Size Head Length Overall Length
WF3F 36ft / 10.9m 80ft / 24.4m
WF4F 37ft / 11.2m 90ft / 27.4m
WF5F 37ft / 11.2m 90ft / 27.4m
WF6F 39ft / 11.8m 90ft / 27.4m
WF7F 40ft / 12.1m 90ft / 27.4m
WF8F 41ft / 12.5m 90ft / 27.4m
WF9F 42ft / 12.8m 90ft / 27.4m


MaxFloat Tip


DualTone - triple color marking system improves casting accuracy by quickly gauging line distance at a glance.
EasyID - an obvious color change in the line where the "sweet spot" for casting is.
Front Loop - clean and neat, bulletproof loop for quickly adding/removing leaders.
Back Loop - clean and neat, bulletproof loop for quickly changing fly lines when needed.


RIO calls their new SlickCast the slickest, most durable coating on the fly line market - the least amount of friction ever measure on a fly line.  Tested against other top tier fly line technologies, RIO SlickCast produced some seriously impressive results.  The incredible amount of slickness found in these RIO fly lines allows for greater distance on casts and feeding slack on drifts - this means more effective and efficient trout fly fishing. 

The more durable a fly line coating is the longer it will last before cracking and RIO SlickCast fly lines have tested against other technologies as lasting 33% longer before cracking - more fishing time and more time in between spending money on new fly lines.

As fly lines get fished, they constantly rub against and through rod guides which will gradually wear the surface coating off - new RIO SlickCast coated fly lines tested well past the next technology in tested cycles before abrasion occurred.  140% more in fact - seriously tough fly lines.


Most floating fly lines have a reduced coating at the narrow, tapered end of the lines which results in reduced buoyancy and sinking tips.  RIO MaxFloat Tip technology allows for maximum floatation with no increase in diameter.  Reduced drag, longer presentation and quieter pickups.

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